Meet Rich Crossland
Rich's Writings


Richard Crossland is not your typical financial advisor in a three-piece suit and power tie. His creativity, communication skills and life experiences have given him a special understanding of human nature and the unique goals of his clients. With intelligence, wit and enthusiasm Rich illuminates and transcends the tedious number crunching so often associated with financial planning.

Rich earned his B.A. at Southern Methodist University and his M.F.A. at The University of Iowa. Prior to founding The Crossland Company, he was a reporter for The Wall Street Journal, and wrote business and entertainment programs for television, including a series featuring former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan.

Over the years, Rich has published many articles in leading journals and magazines on a wide variety of subjects, including “How To Retire Well After A Life Spent Serving Others” and “Fool Proof Financial Strategies For The Self Employed.”

Rich lives in Dallas, where he grew up, with his wife Anne. His many avocations include writing, reading, marathon running and adventure travel.

© 2007-2011 Richard Crossland